Pushkar Singh Dhami, chief minister of Uttarakhand, inaugurated the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Residential Hostel in Kaulagarh on Monday. The construction of this building amounted to approximately Rs 4.9 crore. During the inauguration, the chief minister, who had previously directed the Education Department officials to enhance the quality of resources for hostel children, assessed the facilities provided in the residential hostel and expressed contentment with the improved arrangements, according to an official statement.

The newly inaugurated hostel can accommodate 100 children, and the CM announced plans to elevate the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya hostels, designed for the education of daughters from weaker, deprived and resourceless backgrounds, along with 11 schools adjacent to the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose hostel, to the intermediate level. Additionally, he recognised and honoured the top-performing girls in the board examinations during the event, the statement mentioned.

With inputs from ANI.

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