Tag: 杭州夜生活娱乐地图TM

Fed Chair Powell continues to guide dollar; Pound, Yen, Yuan remain under pressure on central banks’ policiesFed Chair Powell continues to guide dollar; Pound, Yen, Yuan remain under pressure on central banks’ policies

By Gaurang Somaiya Rupee traded in a narrow range and volatility remained low following no major cues on the domestic and global front. Earlier in the week, Chinese Yuan was weighed down after the PBoC announced a rate cut of two benchmark lending rates. Chinese yuan witnessed marginal selling pressure during the day after the […]

Institutional investments in Indian real estate remains steady with 10% YoY rise in 2023, foreign investments retain dominanceInstitutional investments in Indian real estate remains steady with 10% YoY rise in 2023, foreign investments retain dominance

Institutional investments in the Indian real estate sector maintained a steady momentum at $5.4 billion, up 10 per cent YoY during 2023, said a report by Colliers India. The year witnessed the highest levels of investment inflows since 2020 showcasing India’s resilience despite uncertainties in global markets otherwise. While foreign investments, it added, retained their […]