Russia’s government said on Friday it had lifted a ban on pipeline diesel exports via ports, removing the bulk of restrictions installed on Sept. 21.

The restrictions for gasoline exports are still in place.

“The government lifted restrictions on exports of diesel fuel delivered to seaports by pipeline, provided that the manufacturer supplies at least 50% of the produced diesel fuel to the domestic market,” the government said in a statement.

The restrictions on fuel exports from Russia, the world’s top seaborne exporter of the fuel just ahead of the U.S., have bolstered global prices and forced some buyers to scramble for alternative sources of gasoline and diesel.

After the European Union banned Russian fuel imports over Moscow’s actions in Ukraine, Russia diverted Europe-bound exports of diesel and other fuels to Brazil, Turkey, several North and West African countries, and Gulf states in the Middle East.

Gulf states, which have their own major refineries, re-export the fuel.

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