Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded the rating of Vedanta Resources Ltd because of the elevated risk of debt restructuring over the next few months, as the firm has not made progress on refinancing its upcoming debt maturities. Moody’s said it has downgraded to Caa2 from Caa1, the corporate family rating (CFR) of Vedanta Resources Limited […]
Day: May 3, 2023

Deal closures taking longer due to higher due diligenceDeal closures taking longer due to higher due diligence
Deal closures are taking longer as investors are taking a lot more time in due diligence than before , said top investment bankers. Control deals typically take six to eight months now as compared to the four to five months’ timeframe that would be taken by investors before the pandemic, Chandresh Ruparel, managing director and […]

HDFC stock gains on the back of Q2 results; Should you buy, sell the stock?HDFC stock gains on the back of Q2 results; Should you buy, sell the stock?
HDFC Bank’s share price surged on the back of 50.60% jump in its Q2 net profit. On a half-yearly basis, the net profit grew 41% to 27,928 crore. This was the first quarterly financial result of the bank post merger with HDFC, which came into effect on July 1. However, the second quarter financial numbers […]