Israel is set to defend itself at the International Court of Justice against charges brought by South Africa. The latter has accused Israel of engaging in genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. This rare engagement with the UN body reflects Israel’s concern over potential damage to its reputation.

South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice accuses Israel of “genocidal” acts aiming to destroy Palestinians in Gaza. The case highlights indiscriminate use of force, forcible removal of inhabitants, and the Israeli siege. The country has requested the court to order Israel to cease its attacks in Gaza.

Ongoing Israeli Offensive: Prime Minister’s Vow and International Pressure

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to continue the offensive until Hamas is crushed and hostages are freed. Amid growing international pressure, including calls from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Israel is reportedly withdrawing some troops, potentially shifting away from massive operations.

Israel’s War Cabinet Deliberations

As the war continues, Israel’s War Cabinet is set to discuss postwar arrangements for Gaza. Netanyahu has not presented any concrete plans, rejecting proposals for the Palestinian Authority to administer Gaza. The withdrawal of troops aligns with a low-intensity campaign, focusing on remaining Hamas strongholds.

Evolving Military Strategies

The Israeli army announced the withdrawal of several thousand troops, indicating a potential shift in military strategy. However, combat persists, especially in southern Gaza. Defence Minister Yoav Gallant’s announcement of residents returning to Israeli communities near Gaza suggests confidence in minimizing threats.

Potential Impact of ICJ Ruling

While the effects of an ICJ ruling against Israel remain unclear, it could isolate the country politically and economically. Israel’s rejection of the genocide charge emphasizes the sensitivity of the issue. The ongoing conflict, judicial developments, and potential political implications add complexity to the situation.

(With AP Inputs)

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